This guide describes how to use the Orcoda Connect platform as an Administrator.
Logging In
Navigate to
Enter your credentials (email address and password), then click enter or the LOGIN button.
You can request to reset your password via the Forgot your password? link.
Reset Password
If you need to reset your password, the Reset Password page can be reached via the Forgot your password? link on the login page.
From the Reset Password page, you can enter your email address and click the SUBMIT button.
The app is divided into sections navigated via a collapsible navigation menu, expanded via
the menu icon at the top-left of the screen next to the REGION menu selector:
Click a menu link or menu icon to navigate to the corresponding page:
• Dashboard
• Operations
• Management
• Settings
Some sections (I.e., Management and Settings) are divided into subsections. These subsections are navigated via a submenu shown to the right of the Navigation Menu (see below image). As shown, the MANAGEMENT section is divided into three subsections: CUSTOMERS, LOCATIONS, and VEHICLES.
Toggle fullscreen view for the app via the fullscreen icon in the top right menu.
Log out of the app via the logout icon in the top right menu.
Notification alerts are displayed to managers via the bell icon displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
When there is an unread alert, a red dot will appear over the icon showing the number of unread alerts:
Click the bell icon to open the notification panel. Alerts that can be displayed are as follows:
- Late check-ins
- Late Check-outs
- Cancellations
- Accidents
The notification panel identifies the vehicle the alert relates to.
Booking-related alerts provide a SEE BOOKING button that displays the Edit Booking window.
Accident-related alerts provide any incident details that are available.
Note: See Notifications segment of the Account subsection, Settings to manage notification settings.
The Dashboard page, accessed via the Dashboard menu link of the Navigation Menu is the initial access point for when logging in.
From here, you can view and manage existing bookings for the current day.
The Dashboard page is divided into the following segments:
- Map
- Upcoming Bookings
- Summary
The Map segment of the Dashboard page displays the current locations of vehicles within the fleet.
Icons on the map show where vehicles are located. Click an icon to reveal vehicle details.
Where vehicles are too close together for icons to be displayed meaningfully on the map, a numbered icon will be displayed showing how many cars are in the location. Click the icon to reveal the cars (identified by registration number) in the area.
Hover over an individual car to show it's details.
The Summary segment of the Dashboard page provides real-time data of vehicle operations, divided into the following cells:
- Late Dropoffs
- Vehicle Utilisation
- On-Time Running
Late Dropoffs
The Late Dropoffs cell of the Summary segment of the Dashboard page displays the number of late vehicle dropoffs for the day, with a percentile comparison to the previous active day.
Vehicle Utilisation
The Vehicle Utilisation cell of the Summary segment of the Dashboard page displays the number of vehicles in use for the day, with a percentile comparison to the previous active day.
On-Time Running
The On-Time Running cell of the Summary segment of the Dashboard page displays the percentage of vehicles running on time for the day, with a graph of previous days for comparison.
The details for previous days can be seen by hovering the mouse cursor over the data point for a given day.
Upcoming Bookings
The Upcoming Bookings segment of the Dashboard provides functionality to view upcoming bookings for the day.
From here, select an existing booking to view it's details. This reveals the View Booking window.
The number of displayed rows (bookings) can be set to 25, 50 or 100 using the ROWS PER PAGE dropdown menu. Click the displayed number default 100) to change.
View Booking
The View Booking window, accessed via the Upcoming Bookings segment of the Dashboard, provides functionality to view the details for an existing booking.
Bookings can be edited via the Edit Booking window of Operations.
The Operations page, accessed via the Operations menu link of the Navigation Menu, provides functionality to view and manage daily operations for the organisation. Click the buttons to the left and right of the displayed date to view other days.
From here, select a vehicle to view it's status and bookings for the day. This reveals the Vehicle segment.
Bookings for each vehicle for the day are shown as pink for late, green for on-time. These bookings can be selected to view and update details. This reveals the Edit Booking window.
New bookings can be added via the +ADD BOOKING button. This reveals the Add Booking window.
Add Booking
The Add Booking window of the Operations page provides functionality to add a client booking to a vehicle.
From here, enter the relevant details for the booking then click the Add Booking button to save.
Note: See Vehicle Unavailable page if the desired vehicle is not available for the booking.
The Vehicle segment of the Operations page provides functionality to view and manage a selected vehicle for the organisation.
The Vehicle segment is divided into three sub-segments:
Each sub-segment may be accessed via their corresponding tab at the top of the vehicle segment.
The Summary sub-segment of the Vehicle segment of the Operations page provides functionality to view and manage a selected vehicle's status and security, provided it has installed telematics unit.
From here, the vehicle's FUEL RANGE, ODOMETER, and BATTERY status can be seen beneath the image of the vehicle.
The vehicle's doors may be locked and unlocked via the LOCK and UNLOCK icons:
Mobilise/Immobilise Vehicle
A vehicle can be mobilised or immobilised via the Summary sub-segment of the Vehicle page provided it has an installed telematics unit.
Click the MOBILISE button to mobilise an immobilised vehicle.
Click the IMMOBILISE button to immobilise a vehicle.
Once one of the above options has been selected, a confirmation window will appear. Confirm the License number of the vehicle as displayed in the prompt, then click the CONFIRM IM/MOBILISE VEHICLE button.
Vehicles Schedule
The Vehicle Schedule sub-segment of the Vehicle segment of the Operations page provides functionality to view and manage client bookings for a selected vehicle for a given day.
From here, select a booking to view and edit. This reveals the Edit Booking window.
Vehicle History
The History sub-segment of the Vehicle segment of the Operations page provides functionality to view events supported by the installed telematics unit for a selected vehicle.
Edit Booking
The Edit Booking window of the Operations page, provides functionality to view and update details for an existing booking.
From here, update the required fields then click the UPDATE button to save changes.
For more on editing a booking see:
- Update booking status
- Cancel Booking
- Vehicle unavailable
Update Booking Status
The status of a Booking may be updated via the BOOKING STATUS field in the Edit Booking window of the Operations page.
Booking status options are:
Select the relevant status and click the UPDATE button to save.
Cancel Booking
Bookings may be canceled via the Edit Booking window of the Operations page.
From here, click the CANCEL button to cancel the booking.
Vehicle Unavailable
When creating or updating a booking, if the selected vehicle has a pre-existing booking during the specified time-window of the new booking the following alert will be displayed at the top of the Add Booking or Edit Booking window.
To resolve this, change the selected vehicle, the specified time window, or the edit the existing booking as appropriate.
The Management section, accessed via the Management menu link of the Navigation Menu, provides functionality to view and manage elements of the organisation.
The Management section is divided into subsections (the Customer subsection by default), accessible via the corresponding sub-menu links:
Note: In sufficiently narrow screens, the submenu is not displayed for readability purposes. If required, the submenu can be displayed in a mobile device by rotating the device to landscape view. To reveal the submenu in a narrow web browser, either decrease the zoom resolution or increase the width of the browser.
The Customers subsection, accessed via the Management Subsections Menu, provides functionality to view, search, and manage customers for the organisation.
Customers can be searched via the field. Displayed customers are refined as the name is entered.
From here, select a customer to view and manage their details. This reveals the Customer segment.
New customers can be added via the + ADD CUSTOMER button. This reveals the Add Customer window.
Add Customer
The Add Customer window of the Customers page provides functionality to add a new customer into the system.
From here, enter the customer's details. Click the ADD CUSTOMER button to save.
The Customer segment of the Customers page provides functionality to manage a customers details.
From here, click the Details link to update the selected customer's details. This reveals the Edit Customer window.
Click the + ADD ORG UNIT link to assign org units to the selected customer. This reveals the Add Org Unit window.
Click the + ADD ATTRIBUTES link to assign attributes to the selected customer. This reveals the Add Attributes window.
Remove Customer Org Unit/Attribute
An org unit or attribute can be removed from a customer via the Customer segment of teh Customers page. Hover over an existing org unit or attribute and click the revealed icon.
Once the icon has been clicked, a window alert will be displayed requesting confirmation to remove the customer from the org unit.
Click CONFIRM button to remove.
Edit Customer
The Edit Customer window, accessed via the Customer segment of the Customers page, provides functionality to update an existing customer's details.
From here, update the relevant details. Click the UPDATE button to save.
Add Org Unit
The Add Org Unit window, accessed via the Customer segment of the Customers page, provides functionality to add an Org Unit to a customer.
From here, select an org unit from the ORG UNIT dropdown menu. Click the ADD ORG UNIT button to save.
Add Attribute
The Add Attribute window, accessed via the Customer segment of the Customers page, provides functionality to add Attribute to a customer.
From here, select an org unit from the ATTRIBUTE dropdown menu. Click the ADD ATTRIBUTE button to save.
The Location segment of the Locations page provides functionality to manage a locations details.
Reom here, click the Details link to update the selected location's details. This reveals the Edit Location window.
Click the + ADD FACILITY link to assign facility's to a location. This reveals the Add Facility window.
Edit Location
The Edit Location window, accessed via the Location segment of the Locations page, provides functionality to update an axisting location's details.
From here, update the relevant details. Click the UPDATE button to save.
Add Facility
The Add Facility window, accessed via the Location segment of the Locations page, provides functionality to add a Facility to a location.
From here, select a facility from the FACILITY dropdown menu. Click the ADD FACILITY button to save.
The Vehicles subsection, accessed via the Management Subsections Menu, provides functionality to view, search and manage vehicles for the organisation. Vehicles can be searched via the field. Displayed vehicles are refined as the name is entered.
From here, select a vehicle to view and manage its details. This reveals the Vehicle segment.
New vehicles can be added via the + ADD VEHICLE button. This reveals the Add Vehicles window.
Add Vehicle
The Add Vehicle window of the Vehicles page provides functionality to add a new vehicle into the system.
From here, enter the vehicle's details, scrolling down to reveal more data fields. Click the ADD VEHICLE button to save.
See Colour codes page for more information about assigning a colour code to a vehicle.
Colour Codes
A colour code can be assigned to an individual vehicle in the following areas:
- The VEHICLE COLOUR CODE field of the Add Vehicle window, the Vehicle segment, the Vehicles page.
- The VEHICLE COLOUR CODE field of the Edit Vehicle window, the Vehicle segment, the Vehicles page.
From here, move the COLOUR SELECTOR SLIDER to select a colour.
Move the COLOUR TONE WHEEL to adjust the colour tone.
Alternatively, an exact colour can be entered using one of the following colour codes:
The RGB code is displayed by default. Click the double chevron icon to cycle through the codes.
The Vehicle segment of the Vehicles page provides functionality to manage a vehicle's details.
From here, click the Details to update the selected vehicle's details. This reveals the Edit Vehicle window.
Click the + ADD ORG UNIT link to assign attributes to a vehicle. This reveals the Add Attribute window.
Remove Vehicle Attribute
An attribute can be removed from a vehicle via the Vehicle segment of the Vehicles page. Hover over an existing attribute and click the revealed icon.
Once the icon has been clicked, a window alert will be displayed requesting confirmation to remove the vehicle from the org unit.
Click the CONFIRM button to remove.
Edit Vehicle
The Edit Vehicle window, accessed via the Vehicle segment of the Vehicles subsection, provides functionality to update an existing vehicle's details.
From here, update the relevant details, scrolling down to reveal more data fields. Click the UPDATE button to save.
See Colour codes page for information about assigning a colour code to a vehicle.
Add Attribute
The Add Attribute window, accessed via the Vehicle segment of the Vehicles page, provides functionality to add an Attribute to a vehicle.
From here, select an attribute from the ATTRIBUTE dropdown menu. Click the ADD ATTRIBUTE button to save.
The Settings section, accessed via the Settings menu link of the Navigation Menu provides functionality to view and manage settings for the organisation.
The Settings section is divided into subsections (the Org Units subsection by default), accessibly via their corresponding sub-menu links:
Note: In sufficiently narrow screens, the submenu is not displayed for readability purposes. If required, the submenu can be displayed in a mobile device by rotating the device to landscape view. To reveal the submenu in a narrow web browser, either decrease the zoom resolution or increase the width of the browser.
Org Units
The Org Units subsection, accessed via the Settings Subsections Menu provides functionality to view, search and manage Org Units for the organisation.
Org Units can be searched via the field. Displayed Org Units are refined as the name is entered.
Managers, customers, and vehicles can be allocated to an Org Unit to provide the following functionality:
- Allocating a customer to an Org Unit provides the customer access to the vehicles allocated to the Org Unit.
- Allocating a manager to an Org Unit allows the manager to receive notifications for that Org Unit, as well as providing access to the Org Unit from the region selector menu on the following pages:
Dashboard, Operations, and Management
This allows managers to perform any actions available on those pages for any vehicles/locations/customers available to that Org Unit.
From here, select an Org Unit to view and manage it's details. This reveals the Org Unit segment.
New Org Units can be added via the + ADD ORG UNIT button. This reveals the Add Org Unit window.
Add Org Unit
The Add Org Unit window of the Org Units page provides functionality to add a new Org Unit into the system.
From here, enter the Org Unit's details. Click the ADD ORG UNIT button to save.
Org Unit
The Org Unit segment of the Org Units page provides functionality to manage an Org Unit's details.
From here, click the Details link to update the selected Org Unit's details. This reveals the Edit Org Unit window.
Managers allocated to Org Units can be updated via the TEAM Member segment of the Team Members section, Settings.
Customers allocated to Org Units can be updated via the Customer segment of the Customers section, Management.
Edit Org Unit
The Edit Org Unit window, accessed via the Org Unit segment of teh Org Units subsection, provides functionality to update an existing org unit's details.
From here, update the relevant details. Click the EDIT ORG UNIT button to save.
Team Members
The Team Members subsection, accessed via the Settings Subsection Menu, provides functionality to view, search, and manage team members for the organisation. Team members can be searched via the field. Displayed team members are refined as the name is entered.
From here, select a team member to view and manage their details. This reveals the Team Member segment.
New team members can be added via the + ADD TEAM MEMBER button. This reveals the Add Team Member window.
Add Team Member
The Add Team Member window of the Team Members page provides functionality to add a new team member into the system.
From here, enter the team member's details. Click the ADD TEAM MEMBER button to save.
Team Member
The Team Member segment of the Team Members page provides functionality to view and manage a team member's details.
From here, click the Details link to update the selected team member's details. This reveals the Edit Team Member window.
Click the + ADD ORG UNIT link to assign attributes to a vehicle. This reveals the Add Attribute window.
Remove Org Unit
An org unit can be removed from a team member via the Team Member segment of the Team Members page. Hover over an existing org unit and click the revealed icon.
Once the icon has been clicked, a window alert will be displayed requesting confirmation to remove the vehicle from the org unit.
Click CONFIRM button to remove.
Edit Team Member
The Edit Team Member window, accessed via the Team Member segment of the Team Members subsection, provides functionality to update an existing team member's details.
From here, update the relevant details. Click the EDIT TEAM MEMBER button to save.
Add Org Unit
The Add Org Unit window, accessed via the Team Member segment of the Team Members page, provides functionality to add an Org Unit to a team member.
From here, select an org unit from the ORG UNIT dropdown menu. Click the ADD ORG UNIT button to save.
Third Parties
The Third Parties subsection, accessed via the Settings Subsections Menu, provides functionality to view, search, and manage third parties for the organisation. Third parties can be searched via the field. Displayed third parties are refined as the name is entered.
From here, select a third party to view and manage it's details. This reveals the Third Party segment.
New third parties can be addedd via the + ADD THIRD PARTY button. This reveals the Add Third Party Window.
Add Third Party
The Add Third Party window of the Third Parties page provides functionality to add a new third party into the system.
From here, enter the third party's details. Click the ADD THIRD PARTY button to save.
Third Party
The Third Party segment of the Third Parties page provides functionality to view and manage a third party's details
From here, click the Details link to update the selected third party's details. This reveals the Edit Third Party window.
Edit Third Party
The Edit Third Party window, accessed via the Third Party segment of the Third Parties subsection, provides functionality to update an existing third party's details.
From here, update the relevant details. Click the EDIT THIRD PARTY button to save.
The Account subsection, accessed via the Settings Subsections Menu, provides functionality to view and manage account settings for the currently logged-in user.
The Account subsection is divided into the following segment:
The Profile segment of the Account subsection, provides functionality to view the currently logged-in user's company and contact information.
From here, the currently logged-in user's contact phone number can be updated via the PHONE field. Enter the number and click the UPDATE PROFILE button to save.
Note: Refers to the currently logged-in users supervisor to change other information displayed in this segment.
The Notifications segment of the Account subsection, provides functionality to view and manage the currently logged-in user's notification settings.
From here, notifications toggle can be toggled on or off by clicking the notification's corresponding checkboxes.
Update Password
The Update Password segment of the Account subsection, provides functionality to update the currently logged-in user's password.
From here, enter the currently logged-in user's existing password in the OLD PASSWORD field. Enter the new password in the NEW PASSWORD field. Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters, and include numbers, letters and special characters.
Click the UPDATE PASSWORD button to save.
Note: For security purposes text entered into the PASSWORD fields are automatically displayed as dots •. Click the eye icon to toggle this function on and off.