How to use the Clients section of the Orcoda Booking System.

This describes the admin functions for the clients section on the Orcoda Booking System.

The Client Search Page

Client information is accessed via the CLIENTS link of the Navigation menu. The Client search page contains a significant amount of options to help identify the client.

Displayed fields are LOCALITY (ie Brisbane/Melbourne), GIVEN NAME, FAMILY NAME, SUBURB, FND, SLK, MOB, GEOCODED.

Select a client to view and manage. This navigates to the Client Summary page.

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Further information can be found by hovering the mouse over certain fields (shown below).

Hover text includes:

GIVEN NAME: SLK, FAMILY NAME: Phone numbers, SUBURB: Address

All hover text is searchable via the "Search clients..." field. For more detail, refer Searching a Client.

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Searching a Client

From the CLIENTS tab, left click in the CLIENT SEARCH field.

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The system begins search as soon as the user begins typing in the SEARCH CLIENT field. When the number of matching clients is below 100, results will begin to appear. The number of returned clients will reduce as more information is entered. Users may restrict by Region via the dropdown box next to the 'Search client..." field, and search by:

  • Locality
  • Given name
  • Family name
  • Suburb
  • Client SLK
  • Phone number
  • Street address

A user may left click on a client before they've finished typing the client's name. This navigates to the Client Summary.

Note: Clicking the SEARCH ALL button will include archived clients in the results.

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Client Summary

The Client Summary page, accessed via The Client Search Page, is divided into the following segments:

  • Client details
  • Future indirect trips
  • Future bookings
  • Create booking for new route
  • Create indirect trip

The client's full details may be accessed via the FULL PROFILE link.

A log of the client's concessions may be accessed via the CONCESSIONS Log link.

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Client Details

The Client details segment of the Client Summary page provides an overview of essential client details.

From here, the client's full details may be accessed via the FULL PROFILE link. A log of the client's concessions may be accessed via the CONCESSIONS Log link.

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Future Indirect Trips

The Future indirect trips segment of the Client Summary page provides functionality to view upcoming indirect trips for the client.

From here, select a trip to view and manage. This navigates to the Edit Indirect Trip page.

Past and future indirect trips can be accessed via the Indirect Trips page.

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Indirect Trips

The Indirect Trips page, accessed via the Future indirect trips segment of the Client Summary page, provides functionality to view and search existing indirect trips. Trips may be searched by any part of the details shown in the table on the page, including the trip's DATE, PURPOSE, SOURCE / DESTINATION ADDRESSES, AND DISTANCE TRAVELLED (KM).

From here, select a trip to view and manage. This navigates to the Edit Indirect Trip page.

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Future Bookings

The Future bookings segment of the Client Summary page provides functionality to view upcoming bookings for the client. Deleted future bookings are displayed by default. To hide these bookings, click the HIDE DELETED BOOKINGS checkbox.

From here, select a booking to view and manage. This navigates to the Edit booking page.

Past and future bookings can be accessed via the Existing Bookings link.

Note: Bookings with address errors are highlighted in pink. See The Bookings Page for details on address correction.

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Existing Bookings

The Existing Bookings page, accessed via the Future bookings segment of the Client Summary page provides functionality to view and search existing indirect trips. Trips may be searched by any part of the details shown in the table on the page, including the trip's DATE, PURPOSE, SOURCE / DESTINATION ADDRESSES, AND DISTANCE TRAVELLED (KM).

From here, select a trip to view and manage. This navigates to the Edit booking page.

Note: Bookings with address errors are highlighted in pink. See The Bookings Page for details on address correction.

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Concessions Log

The Concessions Log page, accessed via the Client Summary page, provides functionality to view and append concessions for a client.

From here, enter new concessions can be appended to the log at the bottom of the screen. Enter the name of the concession in the CONCESSION DESCRIPTION field, specify the expiration of the concession in the Concession expires field, then click the APPEND NEW CONCESSION button to save.

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Add Client

The Add Client page, accessed via the Navigation menu, provides functionality to add a new client to the system.

From here the client's details can be entered, then saved by clicking the ADD CLIENT button at the bottom of the screen.

Note: The client cannot be added without selecting the 'Consent to provide details' or the 'Consent to future contact' checkboxes above the ADD CLIENT button.

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Creating Bookings

Entering an address correctly

To ensure that an entered address functions throughout every part of the system from bookings to dispatch to driver devices, it is important that it is entered correctly.

A correct address is selected from the dropdown menu with Screenshot 2024-02-19 153245 in the bottom right corner.

A correctly entered address does not contain the name of the location, a unit number, or location descriptors, however it must contain a street number.

The location name can be entered into the ORIGIN/ADDRESS and DESTINATION/ADDRESS fields.

The unit number (if applicable) and any location descriptors may be entered into the ORIGIN/DESTINATION OPTIONAL fields.

Adding an ORIGIN NAME will save the address as a Named Location once the booking has been created.

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Origin Name

Once a Named Location has been created (see above) it can be searched for future bookings to save time. To search, begin type in the ORIGIN NAME field. NAmes matching the entered text will appear as you type. Always choose an existing NAMED LOCATION if appropriate.

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Create Booking for New Route

From the Client Summary page navigate to the bottom of the page and ensure the CREATE BOOKING FOR NEW ROUTE tab is selected.

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From here users can enter the relevant details of the booking.

Once the address has been entered, click the CALCULATE COST button to ensure that the booking has been made correctly, and enter price overrides if applicable.

Click the CREATE BOOKING button to save information and create booking.

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Creating a Return Trip with a Booking

When creating a two-way booking, there is a simple and convenient way to create the return trip. Near to the bottom of the Create Booking for New Route section there is a CREATE RETURN TRIP checkbox.

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When checked, more information is revealed, allowing the user to enter preferred pickup or drop-off time (or both) as well as Return trip booking notes.

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Creating Recurring Bookings

When a new recurring booking is being made users may do so via the RECURRING dropdown menu.

Select the frequency of the recurrence, then the date of the first booking.

The date of the last booking is optional.

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Create Indirect Trip

From the Client Summary page, navigate to the bottom of the page and select the CREATE INDIRECT TRIP tab. This opens a section below the button for creating a booking for an indirect trip. 

From here users can enter the relevant details of the booking.

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Once the address has been entered, click the CALCULATE COST button to ensure that the booking has been made correctly, and enter price overrides if applicable.

Enter the value of the vouchers in the VOUCHER VALUE ($) field, then click the CREATE BOOKING button to save the entered information and create booking.

Note: For the VOUCHERS QUANTITY # to be correctly calculated, the Vouchers value ($) field must be entered in multiples of 5 (ie. $5, $10, $15, $20, $25 etc).

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Editing Recurring Bookings

There are 2 ways of editing recurring bookings:

  • Editing a single occurrence of the recurring booking
  • Editing every occurrence of the recurring booking

Note: Once a single occurrence of a recurring booking has been edited, that single occurrence is considered an individual booking and will no longer be affected by edits made to the original recurring booking.

Edit Booking

To edit the details of a booking (or an individual instance of a recurring booking), select the relevant booking from either:

  • The FUTURE BOOKINGS section of the Client Summary page
  • A booking from the Existing Bookings page

This will navigate to the Edit Booking page, or bookings screen.

From here, users may adjust the selected booking. If the booking is part of a recurring booking (known as a Route), changes can be made to the selected booking without affecting the route. Click the UPDATE BOOKING button to save the changes.

Click the EDIT BOOKING STATUS link to override the price for this booking, or the EDIT ROUTE link to edit the route.

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Cancel Booking

Bookings can be cancelled via the Edit booking page by clicking the CANCEL BOOKING button.

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Edit Route

To edit the details multiple occurrences of a recurring booking, select the relevant booking from the EXISTING ROUTES section of the client's Full Profile page, or click the EDIT ROUTE link on the EDIT Booking page.

This navigates to the Edit Route page. From here, users may edit the details of a recurring booking, skip a booking on a particular date, and view previous dates skipped.

Note: If you update a recurring booking using the Edit Route page, any future recurring bookings that have not been edited (have spanner icon) will be updated with the new cost calculation. Ensure you select "Calculate Cost" before selecting "Update Route".

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Edit Indirect Trip

The Edit Indirect Trip page, accessed via the Future indirect trips segment of the Client Summary page, and the Indirect Trips page, provides functionality to view and manage an existing indirect trip.

From here, update the relevant details, then click the UPDATE INDIRECT TRIP button to save changes.

Note: Any changes to the ORIGIN or DESTINATION ADDRESS requires the cost of the trip to be recalculated by clicking the CALCULATE COST button.

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Full Profile

While the Client Summary page provides basic client info, to view all of a Client's details, click on the FULL PROFILE link at the top of the Client Summary page.

The Full Profile page is divided into the following segments:

  • Carers
  • Mobility Requirements
  • MDS details
  • Client Funding Sources
  • Attendants
  • Account Summary
  • Indirect trips
  • Existing bookings existing routes

The client's account can be updated via the Edit Client link.Screenshot 2024-02-19 162010

Edit Client

The Edit Client page, accessed via the Full Profile page, provides access to update a client's details. Click the UPDATE CLIENT button to save changes.

The client's account status can be updated via the MANAGE link.

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Manage Client

The Manage Client page, accessed via the Edit Client page, allows users to archive, unarchive, and delete a client.

From here, select the relevant setting. Click the SUBMIT button to save changes.

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Adding a new carer to a client account

Clients can have a carer added to their account via the Carers segment of the Full Profile page. Scroll down the Attendants section and click on the ADD CARER link. From here a carer's details may be entered, then the carer is assigned to the client by clicking the ADD CARER button.

Carers can be added as attendants if they are going to travel with the client on bookings.

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Mobility Requirements

Adding a mobility requirement

Clients can be assigned new mobility requirements via the segment of the Full Profile page.

Scroll down to the Mobility requirements section. From here, a mobility requirement can be set from the ADD/REMOVE MOBILITY REQUIREMENT dropdown menu, then click the ADD REQUIREMENT button to save.

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Deleting a mobility requirement

Mobility requirements can be deleted by following the above instructions, then clicking the DELETE REQUIREMENT button.


The MDS segment of the Full Profile page displays the completion level of the client's MDS data. To update the client's MDS data, click the EDIT MDS link.

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Edit MDS

The Edit MDS page allows users to update the client's MDS data as required. Click the UPDATE CLIENT button to save changes.

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Client Funding Sources

Adding a Funding Source to a client's account

From the Full Profile page, scroll down to the Funding Sources segment, and click the ADD FUNDING SOURCE link.

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From here a new funding source can be allocated to the client by inputting the relevant information and clicking the ADD FUNDING SOURCE Button at the bottom of the page.

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Edit Client Funding Source

The Edit Client Funding Source page, accessed via the Client Funding Sources segment of the Full Profile page, provides functionality to update a selected funding source for a client.

From here, update the relevant details, then click the UPDATE FUNDING SOURCE button to save.

Past trips for the funding source can be viewed and managed via the Show Trips page.

Note: Changing the 'Funding source' will update and recalculate the cost for ALL existing bookings using this customer funding source.

Usually, it is more appropriate to create a new customer funding source (if needed), and then either use the SHOW TRIPS to move specific trips to that customer funding source, or update a recurring booking (using the Edit Route) to use that customer funding source.

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Delete Client Funding Source

A client funding source can be deleted via the Edit Client Funding Source page. Click the DELETE FUNDING SOURCE button to delete.

Update Client Account and Notes

A client's account and notes may be updated via the bottom of the Edit Client Funding Source page. From here, update the relevant fields then click the UPDATE CLIENT ACCOUNT AND NOTES button to save.

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Show Trips

The Show Trips page, accessed via the Edit Client Funding Source page, provides functionality to view and manage client trips for a selected funding source.

From here, past trips can be recalculated by selecting the checkboxes Screenshot 2024-02-19 164629 by the relevant trips, then clicking the RECALCULATE SELECTED button.

Trips can be reassigned to other funding sources at the bottom of the Show Trips page. Select the relevant trips by clicking their associated checkboxes Screenshot 2024-02-19 164629, specify the new CLIENT FUNDING SOURCE and PURPOSE, then click the REASSIGN SELECTED button to reassign.

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Setting a Funding Source to a client booking

When creating a new booking for a client users can set the client's funding source via the PURPOSE / FUNDING SOURCE dropdown menu.

The appropriate Mobility requirements will appear after the funding source has been set.

If the required requirement is not present, see Mobility Requirements for how to assign the correct purpose to a mobility requirement to a client.

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Assigning attendants to Client account

Clients can have an attendant assigned to their account via the Full Profile page, then scrolling down to the Attendants section and clicking on the ADD ATTENDANT link.

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From here an attendant's details may be entered, then the attendant is assigned to the client by clicking the ADD ATTENDANT button.

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Assigning attendant to Client booking

When creating a booking for a client that requires an attendant, an attendant that has already been assigned to a Client account (see Assigning attendants to Client) may be attached to the booking by clicking the relevant checkbox.

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Account Summary

The Account Summary segment of the Full Profile page displays the client's account balance. All transactions can be viewed via the SHOW ACCOUNT link.

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Show Account

The Show Account page, accessed via the Account Summary segment of the Full Profile page, displays all financial transactions for the client account.

New payments can be recorded via the MAKE PAYMENT link.

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Make Payment

The Make Payment page, accessed via the Show Account page, provides functionality to record client payments.

From here, enter the amount received from the client in the CLIENT PAID field. Enter the amount received from the client's funding source in the FUNDING SOURCE PAID field.

Click the ADD PAYMENT button to save.

Screenshot 2024-02-20 101318 Indirect trips

The Indirect trips segment of the Full Profile page displays the last 10 indirect trips for the client.

From here, select a trip to view and manage. This navigates to the Edit Indirect Trip page.

Click the SEE ALL INDIRECT TRIPS link to view all indirect trips for the client. This navigates to the Indirect Trips page.

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Existing Bookings

The Existing bookings segment of the Full Profile page displays the last 10 bookings for the client.

From here, select a trip to view and manage. This navigates to the Edit booking.

Click the SEE ALL INDIRECT TRIPS link to view all indirect trips for the client. This navigates to the Existing Bookings page.

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Existing Routes

The Existing routes segment of the Full Profile page displays existing routes for the client.

From here, select a route to view and manage. This navigates to the Edit Route page.

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