What are the features of the Planning section?

This provides a guide to using the features in the Planning section.

The Planning tab of the Operations provides you access to add and edit scenarios. After being imported, orders begin in the Unassigned folder on the specified date. It is important to note that people reading this section are proficient with the Runsheet section. This section does not repeat information already provided in the Runsheet section.

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Planning Action Menu's

Actions are available for a day/scenario, individual vehicles, as well as a run. Day/scenario actions allow for adding a run, editing/deleting a scenario, managing drivers, managing locked runs, solving, checking, or publishing the scenario, as well as various export options. Vehicle actions allow for editing the vehicle's run, its start time, solving for the individual vehicle's run, and publishing the vehicle's run. Run actions allow for adding a break as well as editing an order.

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Add a New Scenario

To add a new scenario, click the Add Scenario button Screenshot 2024-02-14 133002. This brings up the Add Scenario screen (as a popup). From here you may enter the new scenario name, the date of operation, then click save. The new scenario is added in the tree-view panel.

Note: A 'day of the week' scenario refers to a scenario containing runs that can be re-used on every week for the same weekday. A 'date of operation' scenario refers to a one-off scenario that can be used only once.

Geocode Orders 

To view and list all addresses that are not geocoded (or where the location cannot be identified), click the Geocode Orders button Screenshot 2024-02-14 133413. This displays the Geocoder screen. From here you can select the address to geocode to update the address details, and then click Find button for the system to provide a list of suggested address options to choose from. After selecting the appropriate address, click save to update the system.

Add an Order  

To add an order to a scenario, click the Inbox action menu and select + Add Order. This discp0lays the Add Order screen. From here you can enter the order,, pickup, and delivery details, geocode the address, then save the record.

Add Runs (vehicles) to Given Scenario (day)  

To add a vehicle to a day, click the Day action menu and select + Add Run. This displays the Add Runs to Scenario screen. From her you can select the desired vehicles to be added to the day.

Remove Orders from Existing Scenario  

You can drag the order from the existing unassigned or run panel to the inbox panel or to the inbox folder on the left-hand panel. Alternatively, you can select an order from an existing unassigned panel then click on Actions, then Remove Orders or by clicking on the Actions, then Remove All Orders from the unassigned folder on the left-hand panel to deallocate orders from the scenario and move back to the inbox.

You can also select the order from the map and then click the Remove from Scenario action to deallocate the order from the scenario and move back to the Inbox.

Resequence Orders  

Select Actions, the Resequence Orders from an existing run panel. The system re-orders the current sequence of the route.

Add/Remove Breaks 

You can add breaks within a run by selecting the order in which the break will be taken after its delivery and then clicking on Actions, then Add Break.

Alternatively, you can also add breaks from the Gantt Chart panel by clicking on the stop in which the break will be taken after its delivery and then clicking the Add Break after this Stop option.

Screenshot 2024-02-14 134827Note: The break time (in minutes or hours) is based on the break duration specified against the run.

You can remove breaks that were added within the run by selecting the order and then clicking on Actions and Remove Break.

Alternatively, you can also remove breaks from the Gantt Chart panel by clicking on the break and then clicking on the Remove Break option.

Publish a Scenario 

A scenario may be published via the Day/Scenario action menu, then clicking Publish Scenario. This displays the Publish Scenario screen. From here, you can publish the desired runs using the appropriate checkboxes or click the Publish Entire Scenario checkbox to publish the entire scenario.