This show the features in the Runsheet section.
The Runsheet contains two tabs, Current and History.
The History tab provides access to past days (days that have been closed on the Current tab). Select the desired date and press Search to view that days runs. Refer to the explanation for the Current tab for details on viewing individual runs.
The Current tab provides access to current, future, as well as past unclosed days.
Vehicles - Lightbulbs & Hover Text
The lightbulbs next to vehicles provide information about the vehicle's status, showing black when the vehicle has not begun its run, green when the vehicle has started its run, red when the vehicle is overdue to start its run. The lightbulb turns into a green highlighted tick when the run has been completed. Hober text gives further information as shown below.
The system allows for flexibility in the way a vehicle's run is displayed. An attribute can be dragged from its location in the Stop, Order Details, Address, or Running Tools tabs and placed where you require for your needs. Observe below that Name and Trip Number have been dragged so that they are always shown.
Layouts can be created according to your individual needs. Below is an example of a layout that displays Run, the Map of the day, the Gantt Chart of the runs for the day, as well as the A to B Route Calculator.
Runsheet Action Menus
Actions are available for a scheduled day, individual vehicles, as well as a run. Day actions allow for adding a run, closing the day, managing drivers for the day, as well as various export options. Vehicle actions allow viewing the vehicle's details, as well as access to basic editing and export options. Run actions allow for adding a break, resetting status for a client order, as well as editing an order.
Plan Panels
Panels can be used to view unallocated vehicles, an individual vehicle's run, or any of the Panel Tools (see Operations features).
To view a vehicle's details in the Map and Gantt Chart, click the map icon next to the vehicle's name. Multiple vehicles can be viewed simultaneously. To view all vehicles, click on the map icon
next to the date of the run (top).
To view a vehicle in a Plan Panel, drag relevant vehicle to the desired panel. To set the panel to show whatever vehicle is clicked on in the left-hand pane, click the thumbtack symbol in the top right-hand corner of the pane.
Moving Client Orders
Client orders can be moved around by using the drag handle. The orders can be moved to and from vehicles, the Unassigned folder, and the Taxi folder. Orders can also be dragged to the A to B Route Calculator to easily calculate routes.
Allocate Unassigned Orders to a Run
You can either drag the order from the unassigned panel to a run panel or to a run on the left-hand panel. You can also drag the order from the map to a run panel or to a run on the left-hand panel.
Move Orders between Runs
You can either drag the order from the existing run panel to the new run panel or to a run on the left-hand panel. You can also drag the order from the map to a new run panel or to a run on the left-hand panel.
Deallocate/Unassign Orders
Deallocating/Unassigning order can be done in various ways:
- You can select an order from an existing run panel then click on Actions, then Unassign Orders.
- You can drag the order using the 'drag handle' icon from the existing run panel to the unassigned panel or to the unassigned folder on the left-hand panel.
- You can drag the order from the map to the unassigned panel or to the unassigned folder on the left-hand panel.
- You can select the order from the map then click the Unassign action.
View/Update Orders
You can view and/or update the order's details by clicking the icon next to the order. From the pop-up screen, you can update the order, pickup, and delivery details.
You can add or remove breaks within a run by selecting the order in which the break will be taken after its delivery and click on Actions, then Add/Remove break.
You can also add or remove breaks from the Gantt Chart panel by clicking on the stop in which the break will be taken after its delivery and click the Add/Remove Break after this Stop action.
Note: The break time (in minutes or hours) is based on the break duration specified for the given day against the run.
You can update the existing duration of an existing break within a run by selecting the break record and click on Actions, then edit Break Duration.
Manually Complete or Cancel an Order
You can manually complete an order from the Runsheet page by selecting the order and then clicking on Actions, then Complete Orders.
Once the order has been manually completed, you can only view the order details and the customer service report (CSR).
You can manually cancel an order from the Runsheet page by selecting the order and then clicking on Actions, then Cancel Orders.
A to B Route Calculator
The A to B Route allows you to view multiple stops from a depot or specific location address. Once you have dragged the Calculator to an available pane, you will see a split screen with the left half for data, the right half a map. The left side has 2 tabs, Stops and Options. Stops allow you to choose a start location and enter the desired stops. The desired stops may be keyed in a manually or dragged from a client order in a vehicle's run or the Unassigned folder.
The options pane allows for optimisation of the entered routes.
Once you are satisfied with the entered information, click Route.